Monday, September 28, 2020

AWS CLI Installation in Linux RHEL 8 - Mithun Technun Technologies - +91 99809 23226

Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    


                                                      AWS CLI Installation

#Login as a root user 

sudo su -
yum update -y

#Download  the AWS CLI  software
cd /opt
curl "" -o ""

#Install AWS CLI software

#Check the version using below command
aws --version

#Configure AWS User
aws configure



Thursday, September 24, 2020

Postgre SQL DB Installation - Linux RHEL 8 - Mithun Technologies - +91-99809 23226

Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    


Use below for to choose the Postgre SQL version for Linux - RHEL.

# Install the repository RPM:
dnf install -y

# Disable the built-in PostgreSQL module:
dnf -qy module disable postgresql

# Install PostgreSQL:
dnf install -y postgresql11-server

# Initialize the database and enable automatic start:
/usr/pgsql-11/bin/postgresql-11-setup initdb
systemctl enable postgresql-11
systemctl start postgresql-11
systemctl status postgresql-11 
#Switch to to postgres user
sudo su - postgres
#Start PostgreSQL CLI.
#Set the password for postgres user as follows.

\password postgres
#Create a user in PostgreSQL
create user mithuntechnologies with encrypted password 'passw0rd';
#Create a database in PostgreSQL
create database employees;
#Grant all privileges to the user mithuntechnologies to employees database.
grant all privileges on database employees to mithuntechnologies;
#To Quit the PostgreSQL Client type as follows
#Search the pg_hba.conf in Linux server as follows.
find / -name pg_hba.conf  
#Need enable pg_hba.conf file to access the Postgre SQL server from out side (Remote Connections).  
vi /var/lib/pgsql/11/data/pg_hba.conf 
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all ident
Replace Ip address and authentication method as follows.
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all md5
find / -name postgresql.conf
vi /var/lib/pgsql/11/data/postgresql.conf 
# - Connection Settings -

#listen_addresses = 'localhost'

listen_addresses = '*'
Important Points 
Default Port number for Postgre SQL server is 5432

Create a table called EMPLOYEE.

INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (ID, NAME, DESIGNATION,SALARY,JOIN_DATE) VALUES (1, 'Radha Reddy L', 'Director', '100000.00', '2019-08-01');
INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (ID, NAME, DESIGNATION,SALARY,JOIN_DATE) VALUES (2, 'Supriya Reddy L', 'Director', '100000.00', '2019-08-01');
INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (ID, NAME, DESIGNATION,SALARY,JOIN_DATE) VALUES (3, 'Ruthvik Reddy L', 'CTO', '50000.00', '2019-08-01');
INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (ID, NAME, DESIGNATION,SALARY,JOIN_DATE) VALUES (4, 'Mithun Reddy L', 'CA', '50000.00', '2019-08-01');
INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (ID, NAME, DESIGNATION,SALARY,JOIN_DATE) VALUES (5, 'Shishir Reddy L', 'Software Engineer', '40000.00', '2019-08-01');
INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (ID, NAME, DESIGNATION,SALARY,JOIN_DATE) VALUES (6, 'Manan Reddy L', 'DevOps Engineer', '40000.00', '2019-08-01');
To see the EMPLOYEES table data use below SQL Query

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

JFrog Artifactory Installation - Linux - Mithun Technologies - +91 99809 23226

Mithun Technologies            +91 99809 23226    


                                                  JFrog Artifactory OSS Installation

#Pre Requisites

Java is the pre requisite for installing JFrog Artifactory .

Follow below url for installing Java.

#Login as a root user
sudo su -
cd /opt
yum install tar wget -y

#Download  the JFrog artifactory software 

Use below to select the version  --> PRO Editions --> OSS Editions

wget -O bintray-jfrog-artifactory-oss-rpms.repo

sudo mv  bintray-jfrog-artifactory-oss-rpms.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/

#Install  the JFrog artifactory software
yum install jfrog-artifactory-oss

#Enable the artifactory services
systemctl enable artifactory

#Start the artifactory service
systemctl start artifactory

#Check  the artifactory service status
systemctl status artifactory

#Access the JFrog Artifactory server from Laptop/Desktop browser.

#Default Credentials
User Name: admin
Password: password


artifactory service is not starting?
a)check java is installed or not using java -version command.

Unable to access JFrog Artifactory URL?

a)make sure port 8081 is opened in security groups in AWS ec2 instance.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Restore a deleted branch in Git - Mithun Technologies - +91-9980923226



Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    


 ## Pre-requisite: You have to know the  'sha' (Simple Hashing Algorithm)  for the  deleted branch using below command.
git reflog

# Now you have two options, either checkout using sha  or HEAD
git checkout  -b <deleted branch> <sha> 


git checkout HEAD@{18}

DevOps Interview Questions - Mithun Technologies - +91-9980923226

Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    
DevOps Interview Questions  


1. What is the difference between GIT and SVN?
2. Advantages of using GIT?
3. What is STAGING area and INDEX in GIT?
4. What is the difference between GIT PUSH and COMMIT? When they are used?
5. What is GIT STASH?
6. How do you create a branch in GIT?
7. How do you merge code from branch to master in GIT?
8. How do you confirm if GIT branch has merged into master?
9. What is HEAD in GIT? How many HEADS you can create in GIT?
10. What does "git config" do?
11. Learn about all the commands in GIT. Interviewer may ask indirectly about how can u acheive one scenario. You should be able to tell him the command to use.
12. What is the purpose of branching in GIT? What is the common branching pattern in GIT?
13. How can u resolve conflict in GIT? Interviewer may also ask you to explain one scenario how you resolved conflicts in GIT in your current project.
Subscribe our YouTube channel for more Free DevOps videos.

1. Difference between GIT and SVN repository?
2. What all things we can store in SVN repository?
3. Difference between "svn import", "svn add" and "svn commit" ?
4. What is the difference between "svn export", "svn checkout" ?
5. What is the difference between "svn update and "svn commit" ?
6. What is the command to see what is inside the svn repository?
7. How can you revert to previous version in SVN?
8. Best prctices of SVN
9. How can u resolve conflict in SVN? Interviewer may also ask you to explain one scenario how you resolved conflicts in SVN in your current project.
10. How can see the difference between the local version and repository version of files in SVN?
Subscribe our YouTube channel for more Free DevOps videos.

1. Explain Maven Build Lifecycles?
2. What is convention over configuration. How does maven use it?
3. What are the phases of Build Life cycle and Clean life cycle? What happens in each phase?
4. Explain maven dependency
5. When does maven use external dependency?
6. What is Build profile and what are the different types of Build Profile?
7. What are the different types of Maven Repositories? (or) they may ask difference between types of maven repositories
8. What is the sequence in which maven search for dependencies?
9. What is the difference between snapshot and version in maven?
10. What is system dependency and transitive dependency in Maven?
11. How profiles are specified in maven?
12. Explain about all the dependency scopes in Maven
Subscribe our YouTube channel for more Free DevOps videos.

1) difference between add and copy ?
2) difference between CMD and entry point ?
3) ADD . .
4) what is docker file ?
5) how to check how many containers are running ?
6) docker logging driver ?
7) what is difference between bridge network and custom bridge network?
8) difference between overlay network and host network ?
9) what is port forwarding in docker what is the use of it ?
10) how to login/enter to a container?
11) what is docker system prune and docker image prune?
12) how many types of volumes are there in Docker? (Local and network)
13) How to check image vulnerabilty ?

Subscribe our YouTube channel for more Free DevOps videos.


1) what is taint and toleration
2) node affinity an pod affinity
3) how to check the logs of a pod or deployment?
4) how to check how many pods are running
5) what are deployment strategy used in your project
6) what is init container
7) what is statefullset
8) what is ingress
9) difference between headfull and headless service
10) difference between secret and configmap
11) what is livenessprobe and readynesspeobe
12) how to access other pods in a cluster
13) what is a pod
14) how you will make sure that the database should start first and then application
15) Types of storage class used in your project
16) difference between statefullset and stateless
17) describe kubernetes architecture
18) difference between PV and pvc
19) 2 containers are running inside a pod if one container goes down then will it affect other running container
20) Update the password in secret without restarting the pod or deployment ,is it possible ?
21) how to rollback the deployment?
22) what is the reason for pod eviction?
22) pod is in pending state ,what are the possible reasons?
23) how you will make sure that in rolling update strategy 2 pods are always available?
24) crashloopbackoff, what are the possible reasons?
25) why you are using 3 master node in production?
26) how you will make sure that pod should be running on a specific node?
27) how to check what are the activities performed by the container while creating the pod
28) how to get the ip of a pod ?
29) which network plugin you are using?
30) how you are monitoring the kubernetes cluster and the containers
31) Job should be terminated after 40 seconds ? ActiveDeadLineSeconds: 40

Subscribe our YouTube channel for more Free DevOps videos.

1) What is statefile and what is the use of it ?
2) where you are keeping the statefile ?
3) how to declare a varible ?
4) what is the difference between provisioner and provider?
5) how pass a value from one resource block to another ?
6) how to reuse a module?
7) what is the differnece between Terrform init and terraform apply?
8) how to validate the the terraform file ?
9) what terraform plan does?
10) how to create 10 ec2 instance using the same script ? ( count= 10)
11) By mistake if you downgrade the instance from t2.large to t2.micro ,then what will happen when you run the terraform script?

Subscribe our YouTube channel for more Free DevOps videos.


1) What is EFS ?
2) how to configure S3 with SDN?
3) s3 lifecycle policy
4) static website hosting using s3
5) Describe your project architecture ?
6) What is private subnet and public subnet?
7) what is NAT gateway ? other way , No one can access the database server from internet but from database server we can download the patch?
8) can we mount s3 on ec2 instance?
9) can we make s3 bootable?
10) what are routing policy in rout53?
12) how to take snapshots of a rds database in every 3 hours?
13) how to get the public ips of all ec2 instance under a single user account ?
14) user's are complaing they are not able to access the server ,what is approach to fix this ?
15) differnece between security group and NACL?

What is difference between VMWare & Docker?
Explain docker structure?
What is the use of ant & maven?
What is pom.xml?
what is ant and maven file name?
Difference between build.xml and pom.xml?
what is war, ear? & Difference between them?
How to integrate sonarqube with jenkins?
How to restart jenkins?
how to install plugin?
If a plugin is not available then how to install that plugin u want ? 15. Have you used nexus ? what is the work of nexus?

Subscribe our YouTube channel for more Free DevOps videos.

                               Company - Unilog
1.If I wanna delete particular repository in branch how to delete?

2.what are the different roles we can give to developers in GIT?
3.I am committing a code in a particular branch, how the pipeline will go to that particular branch and execute CICD. How we do that in Pipeline?
4. my linux server is fluctuating. how to check why it is fluctuating? Reason behind that? how to fix that?
5.what is the standard permission of a file when it is getting created?
6. Special Permission of linux
7.What you mean by sudo
8.I have a directory and it has 3 folders each has some amount of data I wanna check how much size its using everyday through a shell script using crontab
9.Can you write shell script to monitor the process and give report in mail
10. what you mean by high availability
11. If you gonna build docker image how you are going to build?
12. I wanna deploy an application using tomcat how you are going to dockerize?
13. ADD and COPY command Difference
14. CMD and ENTRYPOINT difference
15. how to push image to private repository
16. What you mean by Kubernetes?
17. Explain architecture of Kubernetes? use of each components
18. what you mean by container?
19. Tell me about Ctrl manager, Scheduler
20. What is the use of ETCD?
21. Difference Services which you used in Kubernetes?
22. What is the LoadBalancer?
23. Use of Kubelet?
24. What you mean by rolling update ? what are different types of rolling updates in Kubernetes
25. How you gonna achieve zero down time while deploying?
26. Strategies in Rolling Update?
27. What is Readiness and Liveness?

Subscribe our YouTube channel for more Free DevOps videos.

Company Accenture
What is difference bw GIT and SVN
What is GIT Reset and Revert?
What is alternate way for merging code instead of GIT Merge?
Difference Bw GIT Merge and Rebase
How you will merge code from Development Branch to QA Branch?
What are the branching Strategy you use in your project?
How you will give access to developers in a repository?
Do you create particular Branch for each Developer?
What is the life cycle of Maven?
Explain its goal
Where do you configure?
What are the repository available in Maven?
Difference bw Maven and Jenkins ?
Difference bw install and deploy?
Do you have access to nexus server?
why do you need access to it?

What is port number of Sonarqube?
What is the use of Sonarqube?
How do you define code coverage in sonarqube?

what is jenkins?
what are the plugins you have used ?
If you wanna migrate jenkins to new upgraded server, how to do it?
what are plugin used for sonarqube and Code Coverage?
Pre requisites for Jenkins?
How to do add nodes to master?
Can I use different OS to nodes and master?
What are different ways to create jobs in jenkins?
What are different types of pipeline scripts?
what is the diff bw scripted and Declarative pipeline?
what are 3 important stages in pipeline?
what are the diff stages of pipeline?
what is the last stage in pipeline?
How to select jenkinsfile which is in repository?
How to configure nexus username and password ?
How to configure kubernetes and Docker in pipeline script?
Where i can configure tools in Jenkins GUI?
How you will check whether build is success or not?
Can you configure if a job completed successfully, it should trigger another one?If yes, how to do?
How to stop particular stage in a pipeline being executed?
what are the different ways to automate jobs?
Any plugin to migrate jobs from one server to another?
How many master and slave machine your project has?
what is master and slave architecture?

What is Containerization?
Diff bw containerization vs virtualization?
Commands in Dockerfile?
Diff bw RUN and CMD and ENTRYPOINT?
how to create a container which should only have one file[without Tomcat]?
Why Docker Compose?
How to check Docker logs and where it get stored?
What is ImagePullbackoff?
diff bw docker run and docker pull
Diff Networks in Docker?

What you mean by Kubernetes?
Explain architecture of Kubernetes? use of each components
what you mean by container/pod?
Tell me about Ctrl manager, Scheduler
What is the use of ETCD?
Difference Services which you used in Kubernetes?
What is the LoadBalancer?
Use of Kubelet?
What you mean by rolling update ? what are different types of rolling updates in Kubernetes
How you going to achieve zero down time while deploying?
Strategies in Rolling Update?
What is Readiness and Liveness?
What is ConfigMap and Secret? where do u use them?
Diff types of LoadBalancer?
Explain Ingress?
What is HELM and what is the use of it?
what are the strategies available in k8s?
What is Blue-Green?
How to check logs of pod?
Different ways to configure K8s?
How many master and slaves you have?
What if one master goes down? what is the impact?
If a end User access an application how the request goes to the particular pod?
How to configure service and an object?
What is RC and why we go for RC?
What is RBAC?

What is code as infrastructure?
difference ways to deploy an application in a VM ?  Ans: we can ssh to each machine or we can use was Ansible
Have u used Route table?
Can you get alert from Prometheus?
If you are getting alert as kubelet is down? then what is the issue?
By seeing subnet IP address can you determine whether an IP belongs to that VPC or not?
what are different volumes in EC2?
How to configure AWS CLI?

Subscribe our YouTube channel for more Free DevOps videos.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Install Gradle Build Tool in MacBook - Mithun Technologies - +919980923226

             Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    

Install Gradle Build Tool in MAC Book / Set Class path for Gradle Build Tool in MAC Book

Pre Requisite Software
Java is the Pre Requisite Software for Gradle.

java -version

Install Gradle

Download the Gradle Software using below url.

Set the class path/Environmental Variable
vi ~/.bash_profile

export GRADLE_HOME=/Users/mithunreddy/MithunTechnologies/Softwares/Running/gradle-6.6.1


source ~/.bash_profile

Check the Gradle version


Sample Jenkinsfile 1 - Mithun Technologies - 9980923226

Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    

Sample Jenkinsfile

timestamps {
 timeout(time: 60, unit: 'SECONDS') {
        def jobname = env.JOB_NAME
def buildnum = env.BUILD_NUMBER.toInteger()

def job = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(jobname)
 for (build in job.builds) {
     if (!build.isBuilding()) { continue; }
     if (buildnum == build.getNumber().toInteger()) { continue; println "equals" }
 if (env.BRANCH_NAME=='master'){
     echo "GitHub BranhName ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
     buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '1',numToKeepStr: '3',artifactNumToKeepStr: '3',artifactDaysToKeepStr: '1')),
         pollSCM('* * * * *')
     echo "GitHub BranhName ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
     buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '10',numToKeepStr: '10',artifactNumToKeepStr: '10',artifactDaysToKeepStr: '10')),
         pollSCM('* * * * *')


  echo "GitHub BranhName ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
  echo "Jenkins Job Number ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
  echo "Jenkins Node Name ${env.NODE_NAME}"
  echo "Jenkins Home ${env.JENKINS_HOME}"
  echo "Jenkins URL ${env.JENKINS_URL}"
  echo "JOB Name ${env.JOB_NAME}"
  def mvnHome=tool name: "maven3.6.3"
  git branch: 'master', credentialsId: '235e277e-7cf7-495e-b970-a22c2478d48c', url: ''

  sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn clean package"

  sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn sonar:sonar"

  sh "${mvnHome}/bin/mvn deploy"

    sh  "scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no target/maven-web-application.war ec2-user@"
 emailext body: '''Build is over,
 Please check the logs,

 Mithun Technologies,
 9980923226.''', subject: 'Build is Over', to: ''


Steps to Install Node JS in MacBook - Mithun Technologies - 9980923226


Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    

Steps to Install Node JS in MacBook
Download the nvm install script via cURL, install NVM package with below command.curl -o- | bash 
Check NVM installed successfully and which version of NVM using below command. 
nvm --version

Install the latest version of Nod Js with below command. 

nvm install node Use the latest version of Node JSnvm use nodeInstall the latest LTS version of Node JSnvm install --ltsUse the latest LTS verison of Node JSnvm use --ltsInstall the v10.17.0 version of Node JSnvm install v10.17.0Use the  v10.17.0 verison of Node JSnvm use  v10.17.0

Run app.js using node v0.10.32 

nvm run 0.10.32 app.js    

Set default node version on a shell  

nvm alias default 0.10.32                     

Uninstall NVM

To remove, delete, or uninstall nvm - just remove the `$NVM_DIR` folder (usually `~/.nvm`)


Thursday, August 13, 2020

Installation MySQL Database 5.7.31. in Ubuntu 18.04 - Mithun Technologies - 9980923226


Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    

MySQL Database Installation  in Ubuntu

#Login as a root user
sudo su -

#Update the system packages.
apt-get update -y

#Check mysql packges in the server.

 apt-cache search mysql

#Install the mysql packages.

apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client  -y

#Check the status of mysql service
systemctl status mysql

#Enable the mysql service
systemctl enable mysql

#Check the which version of MySQL server installed using below command.
mysqld --version

#Check the which version of client utility installed using below command.
mysqladmin -V

#MySQL database server configuration file is availabe in /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d directory.
See the configurations..
less /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf


#Connect to mysql server
mysql -u root -p

#Check the MySQL server version


#Using below command we can see how long the MySQL server has been running.
mysqladmin version

#To Display database.
show databases;

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Install Nginx HTTP server - RHEL 8 - Mithun Technologies - 9980923226


Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    

Install Nginx HTTP Server Installation 
Method -1

#Login as root user and execute the below command for install nginx http server.
sudo su -
yum install nginx -y

#Enable the service as follows.

systemctl enable nginx.service

#Start the HTTP server as follows.

systemctl start nginx.service

Important Points
  1.   nginx.conf file is the configuration file for Nginx HTTP server, which is available in         /etc/nginx/  directory.
  2. Logs will be available in /var/log/nginx/ directory.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Apache Tomcat Server Installation as a Service - Linux - Mithun Technologies - 9980923226

Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    

                                                       Install Tomcat as a Service

#Login as a root user
sudo su -

yum install wget unzip -y

cd /opt

chmod u+x /opt/apache-tomcat-9.0.44/bin/*.sh

mv apache-tomcat-9.0.44 tomcat9

#Create a system user called tomcat.
useradd -r tomcat

cp -r /opt/tomcat9 /usr/local/tomcat9

#Create a file called tomcat.service
vi /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service

Description=Apache Tomcat Server




ExecStart=/usr/local/tomcat9/bin/ start
ExecStop=/usr/local/tomcat9/bin/ stop



#Reload the systemd
systemctl daemon-reload
#Enable the  tomcat service
systemctl enable tomcat.service

#Start the tomcat service
 systemctl start tomcat.service

# Check the tomcat service
systemctl status tomcat.service

#netstat -tunlap
#ps -fax | grep tomcat

#vi /usr/local/tomcat9/webapps/manager/META-INF/context.xml

#Comment the below lines

    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
  allow="127\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+|::1|0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1" />       -->

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

ShellScript Examples - Mithun Technologies - 9980923226

Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    


File Name:

#Purpose : This Script is to create a user and add it to devops group and set the  password.
#Author: Mithun Reddy Lacchannagari
#Date Created : June 24th 2010

echo "Please enter the user name for the account you want to create!"
read userName
echo "The name you entered is: "  $userName
/usr/sbin/useradd   $userName
/usr/sbin/usermod -G devops $userName
echo ".......User is created..........."
echo ".......Now Set the password for  ....... $userName"
passwd $userName
File Name:

#Purpose : This Script is to create a user , set the  password add it into sudoers file.
#Author: Mithun Reddy Lacchannagari
#Date Created : June 24th 2010

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ $# -ne 1 ]
  echo "Usage: $0  username"

# creating user
/usr/sbin/useradd $USERNAME
passwd $USERNAME

echo "User has created successfully.."
echo "Providing sudo access.."

# Giving sudo access
sed -i "/NOPASSWD/a\\$USERNAME ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL" /etc/sudoers

echo "Sudo access provided successfully.."

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Grafana Installation - Linux RHEl - 8 - Mithun Technologies - 9980923226

Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    

Grafana Installation

#Login as a root user
sudo su -

#Create file called grafana.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d directory and add the below content.
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/grafana.repo


#Install the grafana.
yum install grafana -y

#Enable the grafana-server service.
systemctl daemon-reload

systemctl enable grafana-server

#Start the grafana-server service.
systemctl start grafana-server

#Check  the grafana-server service status.
service grafana-server status

Unable to access Grafana URL?
https:<<IP Address>>:3000/

Deafult Credentails
User Name: admin
Password:  admin

a)make sure port 3000 is opened in security groups in AWS ec2 instance.

Docker Commands - Mitun Technologies - 9980923226

Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226    

Docker Commands

docker info: It will give status of weather docker is running or not  and also It will display the detailed information about docker engine. 

docker version: Show the Docker version information.

docker images (OR) docker image ls : List all images that are locally stored with the Docker engine.

docker run <<Docker Image>> : It will run the docker image.

Example: docker run hello-world: This command will download the hello-world image, if it is not already present, and run the hello-world as a container.

docker images <<Image Name>>: It will display the information about image.

docker images -q: It will display only the images IDs.

docker rmi << Image ID/Image Name>> (OR) docker image rm << Image ID/Image Name>>: It will delete an image from the local image store.
Example: docker rmi nginx

docker rmi $(docker images -q) (OR) docker rmi -f $(docker images -q) : It will remove all the images from docker engine.

docker run --name “hello-world-container” helloworld: Start the hello-world image with “hello- world-container” container name. 

docker create “hello-world-cont” helloworld : It will create a container called “hello-world-cont” from the image hello-world and it won’t start the container.

docker ps (OR) docker container ls: Lists running containers
(It will not display the stopped containers)

docker ps –a (OR) docker container ls --all (OR) docker container -a: Lists all containers (It will display the stopped containers along with running containers.)
docker start <Container name|id>: It will start the container.

docker start webserver: It will start the webserver.

docker stop <container name|id> (OR) docker container stop <container name|id>: It will stop the docker container.

docker stop webserver: It will stop the container called webserver.

docker pause CID/CNAME: It will pause the container.

docker unpause CID/CNAME: It will unpause the container.

Docker Container status are, created, restarting, running, removing, paused, exited, or dead

docker ps -a --filter "name=mithun16thjune": It will display all the containers with name mithun16thjune name.

docker ps -a --filter 'exited=0' :

docker ps --filter status=running: It will display the all the running state containers.

docker ps --filter status=paused: It will display the all the paused state containers.

docker logs <container name>: It will display the logs for that container.

docker logs --tail 100 <<Container Name>>: Print the last 100 lines of a container’s logs.

docker top <<Container ID>>: This will shows the top processes in within in a container.

docker reanme <<Container Old Name>> <<Container New Name>>: It will rename the conatiner.

docker rm -f <<Container Name>>: It will remove the container.

docker rm -f webserver: It will stop and remove the running container with a single command.

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q): It will stop all the containers.

docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq): Delete all running and stopped containers.

docker kill <<CID/C Name>>: It will kill the container.

docker container prune: It will delete all stopped containers.

docker search <<Image Name>>: It will search all of the publicly available images on Docker

docker pull <<Image Name>: Pull an image from Docker Hub

docker inspect <<CID>> : It will give information for container.

docker attach <<CID>> : It will connect to running container.

docker exec <<CID>> : Run a linux command in a running container.

docker stats <<CID>> : It will display a live stream of container resource usage statics.

docker network ls: List the networks.

docker network create mithuntechnologies : It will create the network with name called as mithuntechnologies.

docker network inspect bridge: Display detailed information on one or more networks.

docker network connect: Connect a container to a network.

docker network prune: Remove all unused networks.

docker run -it -v /Users/mithunreddyl/Desktop/dockervolumes:/mithuntechnoVol1 ubuntu : Create a container with volume mithuntechnoVol1.

docker run -it -v /Users/mithunreddyl/Desktop/dockervolumes:/mithuntechnoVol1:ro --name ubuntucontainer16 ubuntu : Create the Read only Volume.

docker run -it --volumes-from ubuntucontainer16 --name ubuntucontainer1604 ubuntu:16.04:
Create a container ubuntucontainer1604 that uses the same volumes as ubuntucontainer16

Can I mount same volume to multiple docker containers?
Ans) Yes you can add same location as a volume to many docker containers.

docker login: To sign into the Docker Hub.

docker logout: To logout from the Docker Hub. If no server is specified, then the default is used.

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