Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Linux Commands - Mithun Technologies - 9980923226

             Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226              devopstrainingblr@gmail.com
                                                       Important Linux Commands

mkdir: Make or Create directory

find : find command used to search and locate list of files and directories based on conditions you specify for files that match the arguments. Find can be used in variety of conditions like you can find files by permissions, users, groups, file type, date, size and other possible criteria.

umask :  User Mask or User file creation MASK : It is used to set the permissions for files/directories  newly created on a Linux Machine.

chmod : It will change the file or directory access permissions.

chown: It will change the ownership of the file a file.

chgrp: It will changes the group ownership of a file or directory.

cp :   It will copy file contents of one file to another file.

mv: It will move or rename the file.

wc: Counts the number of lines, words, bytes, or characters in a file.

ln :  It will create the link between files.

vi or vim: Text editor.

tail : It will display the last 10 rows.

scp :

grep: which stands for "global regular expression print," processes text line by line and prints any lines which match a specified pattern.

who :  Displays the current users working on the system.

w : Show who is logged on and what they are doing.

df : Report file system disk space usage

ifconfig: To find the IP address.

man : Display the on-line manual pages.

service : It will give the status of service.

uptime: Tells how long the system has been running.

last: show listing of last logged in users.  

ps : Display the current process running.

kill : Kill the process.

top : Display Linux tasks. 


Ansible Installation in Amazon Linux - Mithun Technologies - 9980923226

  Mithun Technologies            +91-9980923226              devopstrainingblr@gmail.com                                                 ...